Central Coalfields Ltd. (CCL): One of the coal producing subsidiaries of Coal India Ltd. Was carved out centering around NCDC Collieries at the time of formation of the Holding Coal Company, CIL CHAIRMAN OF NEYVELI LIGNITE CORPORATION AUGUST 1985 TO NOVEMBER 1988 Neyveli Lignite Corpn. Limited (NLC): A Public Sector Corporation based in Tamil Nadu. It is an integrated fuel-energy complex generating power and producing fertilizer, lignite, coke and carbo-chemicals. CHAIRMAN OF COAL INDIA LIMITED 1988-1991 Coal India Limited (CIL): Holding Company and a monolith in the Public Sector having six coal producing subsidiaries and one Planning and Design Institute. In addition, the North Eastern Coalfields in Assam and a Town-Gas Project in Dankuni near Calcutta are directly managed by CIL. CHAIRMAN ENVIRONMENTAL APPRAISAL COMMITTEE, GOVERNMENT OF INDIA UNDER THE MINISRY OF ENVIRONMENT AND FORESTS. The Government of India, in the year 1992 appointed Dr. Narayanan as Chairman for a period of 3 years. VICE CHAIRMAN IOC WORLD MINING CONGRESS Dr. Has been appointed as Vice Chairman of the International Organising Committee of the World Mining Congress, PRESIDENT OF ALL INDIA MOVEMENT FOR SEVA WAS HEADED BY SHRI R. VENKATARAMAN, FORMER PRESIDENT OF INDIA AND ORGANISED BY SWAMI DAYANANDA SARASWATI) INTIATING MANY PROJECTS FOR TRIBAL WELFARE/RURAL HEALTHCARE CHAIRMAN GIS DEVELOPMENT Dr. Narayanan is the Chairman of GIS Development an NGO actively engaged in the fields of Geographical Information System, Global Positioning System. PRESIDENT CENTRE FOR SCIENCE, DEVELOPMENT & MEDIA STUDIES. MEMBER TASK FORCE COMMITTEE Dr. Narayanan has been appointed as a Member of Task Force Committee under the Ministry of Industries & Public Enterprises. |